How to Bypass a Zone on a Honeywell Vista Alarm Panel

Today, we’ll look at how to bypass a zone with a Honeywell Security Alarm panel. This is applicable if you use your system at home or for your business or commercial security alarm system. There are many reasons you many wish to bypass a zone, which means that the system will disregard any alarms from that zone when armed. These include low batteries on devices, construction, or animals or pets. Here’s step-by-step instructions on how to bypass zones on your Honeywell Vista Security alarm panel:
- Disarm the system prior to proceeding
- Enter four digit user code (same code to arm and disarm the alarm system), followed by the Bypass (6) key be bypassed (single digit zone numbers must be preceded by a 0 – example: 02, 03, etc.)
- The Keypad will momentarily display a Bypass message for each bypassed zone.
You can use this to arm a system with a faulty zone or temporarily prevent a specific zone from sending alarms if needed. Note: using this feature will leave those zones intentionally unprotected and your security company will not receive alarms from those zones until the bypass is removed. Fire Zones cannot be bypassed.
his tip is applicable for the following alarm panels:
- Honeywell Vista 10
- Honeywell Vista 15
- Honeywell Vista 20
- Honeywell Vista 32
- Honeywell Vista 128