5 Benefits of Installing CCTV Video Surveillance in Schools

June 21, 2022 | By: mm-admin

Ensuring a secure environment for students and staff is a primary responsibility for any school. As the need for heightened security grows, integrating a CCTV video surveillance system into a school’s security plan becomes increasingly crucial. Video surveillance not only addresses common challenges like bullying, theft, absenteeism, trespassing, and violence but also provides parents with assurance about their children’s daily safety. Let’s explore the 5 key benefits of CCTV Video Surveillance Systems in Schools.

1. Preventing Incidents

Deploying a video surveillance system in critical locations acts as a deterrent to potential criminals, while also providing valuable evidence for disciplinary actions. Integration with security systems, mobile apps, and video verification allows administrators to swiftly address incidents, contributing to a safer school environment.

2. Assisting with Access Control

Video surveillance adds an extra layer to access control. By integrating with credentials and maintaining visual records, schools can effectively track individuals entering the premises. This not only enhances security but also assists security guards in focusing on key areas where their presence is most needed.

3. Deterring Theft

Video surveillance strategically placed in common areas and vulnerable locations helps deter theft of students’ valuables or school equipment. Beyond theft deterrence, it aids in monitoring resource usage and equipment to ensure proper utilization, promoting a secure learning environment.

4. Monitoring Attendance and Activities

Video surveillance plays a crucial role in supporting schools to verify attendance and locate individuals during various school activities. This not only enhances overall safety but can also be pivotal in responding to emergencies promptly.

5. Ensuring Safety During Emergencies

In rare emergencies, video surveillance becomes an invaluable tool for evacuation procedures. Identifying bottlenecks and available exit points contributes to better emergency preparedness, ultimately leading to a safer school environment.

In conclusion, the benefits of CCTV video surveillance systems in schools extend far beyond security. They encompass incident prevention, access control, theft deterrence, attendance monitoring, and emergency preparedness, ensuring a comprehensive approach to the safety and well-being of students and staff.

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FMC logoFor over 30 years, Fire Monitoring of Canada (FMC) has been an industry leader in the monitoring of fire alarm and security systems.  If you would like to learn more about how CCTV video surveillance systems can help to improve the security of your school, call just at 1 800 263 2534, email fminfo@fire-monitoring.com, or fill out the contact form below.